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Digital Mailroom, Digital Transformation

Learning Lessons from COVID-19: Benefits of Digital Mailroom Services

How prepared was your organization for the move to home working? The arrival of lockdown in March 2020 was a shock that affected organizations like never before. Disaster planning and recovery […]
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Print & Outbound Communications

How Print & Mail Services Streamline Operations in Insurance

Summary: Discover how outsourcing print and mail services benefits insurance companies by leveraging vendor expertise. Understand how these services adapt […]
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Digital Transformation, Document Scanning

3 Tips to Convert Microfilm to Digital the Right Way.

Summary:  Is your business considering converting its microfilm and microfiche to digital files? Streamline the digitization process with these three recommendations: […]
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Digital Transformation, Document Scanning

A Guide to Digital Document Scanning

1. How the document scanning process works 2. How document scanning can improve compliance 3. How document scanning […]
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Document Scanning

The Bulk Document Scanning Process Explained

Scan-on-demand provides a flexible approach to bulk document scanning and it's an interesting alternative to scanning and digitizing an entire document backfile. With scan-on-demand, your team members […]
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Digital Transformation, Document Scanning, Hosted Document Management

The Benefits of Digital Transformation for Your Remote Team

Working remotely is a “new normal” that the majority of our global workforce has never before experienced. Teams need at-the-ready, secure access to business-critical information to perform their […]
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Digital Transformation, Document Scanning

The Future of Microfilm and Microfiche: Digitize Microfiche and Microfilm

It’s fair to say that microfiche and microfilm technology are no longer seen as the future of long-term data storage. In fact, in the last 40 or so years, it has been overtaken by floppy discs, CDs, […]
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Digital Transformation, Document Scanning

How Document Scanning Solutions Can Be Implemented in Your Business

If you’ve been considering document scanning but aren’t sure how it would work for your business, […]
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Digital Transformation, Document Scanning

4 Benefits of Digitizing Microfiche and Microfilm

Once the decision has been made to replace a physical with a digital mailroom, the very next question is whether to build the mailroom in-house or outsource it to a third-party digital mailroom expert.Many […]
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Digital Transformation

A Digital Transformation Framework: Start Your Plan

Digital transformation is a growing subject in boardrooms across the world. In this insight article, we explore what it takes to lead and deliver a digital transformation program, using change management […]
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Document Scanning

Medical Document Scanning: In-house vs. Outsourcing

While many industries have realized the benefits of digitizing records and documents, healthcare organizations in both the UK and the US are still slow in making the transition. This is often due to […]
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Digital Mailroom, Digital Transformation

The Benefits of Digital Transformation and Reducing Paper in Your Office

Do you long for a paper-free office but are not sure where to start? After all, the benefits of digitizing documents and […]
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